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Portal d'Igualtat / Equality Portal

Els museus, tant públics com privats, must treballar in favor of the igualtat com a dret fonamental recollit en la Constitució Espanyola i, posteriorment, desenvolupat en la Llei orgénica 3/2007 per a la igualtat effective de dones i homes. However, hist-ricament no s'ha fet justícia, perqué'no s'ha reconegut a les dons com a agents actius de la cultura, nor s'han visibilitzat les seues obres. It is an inescapable social deure vetlar per la recuperació de la seua memaria i dignitat, per adeuring to prevent continued desapareixent el seu llegat, aconseguint així which is to recongese the value and lloc that deserve to the si d'a culture more just, complete and democratic. Per aix, the MACVAC means the Manifesto in favor of the Igualtat in the Museus i Centres d'Art, a fi d'get a better visibilitat of the contributions of les dones artistes, specialment de les pr'pies de cada territori.


Museums, both public and private, have to work for equality as a fundamental right enshrined in the Spanish Constitution and, subsequently, developed in Organic Law 3/2007 for the effective equality of women and men. Historically, however, no justice has been done, by not recognizing women as active agents of culture, or giving visibility to their works. It is an inescapable social duty to ensure the recovery of their memory and dignity, to prevent their legacy from disappearing, so that they are recognized for the courage and place they deserve for a fairer, more complete and democratic culture. For this reason, macVAC adheres to and signs the Manifesto for Equality in Museums and Art Centers, in order to obtain greater visibility of the contributions of women artists, especially those of each territory.


El MACVAC is committed to:

1. Analitzar l'structure, les collect•leccions, les línies de treball, així com les accions que s'esta duent a terme per aconseguir un Museu en igualtat that ate els codis i manuals de les bones pr'ctiques.
2. Complete the MACVAC museum fons in function of criteris igualitaris. This action is indefugable in a centre d'art contemporani. In the past, it is to enhance a rereading of the fons des d'un perspectiva feminista.
3. Promoure exhibits i activitats relacionades amb els buits i les abséncies d'obra artística i intel•lectual realitzada per dones. In eixe sentit, totes les exposicions del MACVAC, així com la mostra permanent, compliran amb un preséncia suficientment representative d'artistes dones.
4. To promote the creation of d'equips d'investigació paritaris that study i donen visibilitat a les formes de creació d'artistes dones de totes les cultures, atenent la seua posició amb q'stions de classe social, edat, geografia ició sexual.
5. Vetlar per l'equitat representative in the Ergans de govern, c'rerrecs directius i personal contractat at the Museu.

Amb l'objectiu de rubricar el compromís amb els punts earlier, i to find a redistribution, represented i reconeixement just per a les dones, in aquest Portal d'Igualtat es faran visible i will be available per al public les línies de treball, in relació amb les col•leccions, les activitats i les activitats realitzades des del vessant de la igualtat. Igualment s'estableix el compromís de treballar amb els observatoris cultural públics ja existents, per a l'an-lisi i difusió d'informes ajud des Museus i Centres d'Art, tot comptant amb la representació social i les bones pr'ctiques.

MACVAC undertakes to:

1. Analyze the structure, collections, lines of work, as well as the actions that are being taken to achieve a Museum on equality that attends to the codes and manuals of good practices.
2. Complete museum funds, based on egalitarian criteria. This action is considered inessible in a Center for Contemporary Art. In addition, funds will be rereaded from a feminist perspective.
3. Promote exhibitions and activities in relation to the gaps and absences of artistic and intellectual work carried out by women. In this sense, all exhibitions, as well as the permanent exhibition, will have a sufficiently representative presence of female artists.
4. Promote the creation of peer research teams that study and give visibility to the forms of creation of women artists of all cultures, taking into account their position in relation to social class, age, geography and sexual orientation issues.
5. Ensure representative fairness in governing bodies, management positions and staff hired at the Museum.

In order to understeer the commitment to the above points, and to achieve a redistribution, representation and fair recognition for women, this Equality Portal will make visible and available to the whole public the lines of work, in relation to collections, exhibitions and activities carried out from this prism of equality.

It also establishes the commitment to work with existing public cultural observatories, for the incorporation of analyses and reports that help the development of equality policies in strategic plans, and actions to be carried out from museums and art centers, always having social representation and good practices.

Reports and documents:

See the MAV Observatory reports here.

ORGANIC LAW 3 2007, 22 March, for the effective equality of women and men