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Between 1972 and 1990 the presence of the Museum in Vilafamés brings with it the birth of an artistic and cultural environment in the village that, during the summer months, translates into exhibitions scattered throughout different places of the old town such as the Municipal Library, the Town Hall, the Wine Museum, the Carrer de Baix and a room enabled in the Museum itself for temporary exhibitions.

In the summer of 1976 Gabriel Cantalapiedra and Bellido Lapiedra inaugurated an exhibition located through the streets of the village of marked kitsch character. Paper-painted silhouettes represent local authorities and artists.

In 1977 the statutes and regulations of the interior regime of the Museum were published, with the aim of establishing the general rules that will regulate the situation, structure and operation of the until then called Museum of Contemporary Art of Villafamés, which from that time will be called the Popular Museum of Contemporary Art of Villafamés.

In May 1977, meetings of culture and politics took place at the Museo Popular de Arte Contemporáneo in Villafamés.

Between people and artists there is a pleasant social and even neighborhood relationship. Many artists are for years neighbors of the town. In the late 1970s and early 1980s the Museum published "A museum and a village: economic repercussions caused by the Popular Museum of Contemporary Art in Villafamés", a socio-economic study of the municipality produced by the economist Aurelio Martínez.

In 1980, Joan Miró's graphic work arrived in Vilafamés and its Museum, a temporary exhibition ceded by the Ministry of Culture. The Catalan artist donates, at this time, to the Museum of Vilafamés the work Golafre, with a handwritten dedication "for Vilafamés cordially", dated June 26, 1980.

Between 21 and 27 September 1980, the First International Meeting of Art Criticism takes place in Castellón de la Plana. The II Encuentro takes place in Peñíscola two years later, from 19 to 25 September 1982. Both meetings include internationally renowned art critics such as Gillo Dorfles, Giulio Carlo Argan, Pierre Restany… From each of these meetings a book is published with the presentations presented.

On November 30, 1985, the Museum was officially inaugurated with the assistance of the local and regional authorities, including the President of the Generalitat Valenciana, Joan Lerma.

In the early 1990s the last phase of rehabilitation of the building takes place for the conditioning of new rooms, remaining the Museum closed to the public as a result of the works. In December 1991 it re-opened its doors.

Among the activities carried out by the Museum in these early years it is worth highlighting the custody, between 1979 and 1991, of the fund of the Museum of Solidarity "Salvador Allende". Nearly 150 works – painting, engravings, sculpture, ceramics, tapestypes… – are part of this background that is born and grows thanks to donations from artists who show their solidarity for the political situation that Chile is going through at the time. From Vilafamés there will be several traveling exhibitions with works from the Museum "Salvador Allende".

Coinciding with the XXV Anniversary of the Museum, the International Center for Artistic Documentation "Vicente Aguilera Cerni" is inaugurated, located in a building built by the Municipality of Vilafamés expressly in order to house the personal documentary fund that was originally ceded by Mr. Vicente Aguilera Cerni.

In 2000, an inventory work was carried out on the museum fund and its move to digital format.

In 2001, the Museum, together with the Documentation Center, held a Conference on the Conservation and Dissemination of The Memory of Art on 14 and 15 December.

In 2003, the Popular Museum of Contemporary Art in Villafamés officially changed its name and was renamed Museu d'Art Contemporani "Vicente Aguilera Cerni" in Vilafamés.

In 2006, a year after the death of Mr. Vicente Aguilera, the Museum organized a post-tum tribute. For a month, an audiovisual with photographs and phrases of Aguilera himself is screened in a museum room.

In 2012 the 40th Anniversary of the Museu d'Art Contemporani "Vicente Aguilera Cerni is celebrated and the institution receives the silver medal of the Consell Valencié de Cultura for its trajectory.

On the occasion of the anniversary, a DVD is released in collaboration with the Caja Rural del Mediterráneo (CRM), "Artists of a People".
Since 2008, the Museum has maintained a collaboration agreement with the Valencian Institute of Restoration for the maintenance and conservation of the museum's works.

Both institutions work on scheduled teaching activities.