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In compliance with Law 2/2015, of April 2, of the Generalitat, Transparency, Good Government and Citizen Participation of the Valencian Community, the information required by it is published. MacVAC, in...

...alojarse Visitors interested in finding accommodation near MACVAC can compare prices and availability on HotelsCombined.La regul Con transporte público ar bus line between Vilafamés and Castellón following these times. The...

...the art experience. Organized activities to complement the knowledge and experiences linked to different artistic areas, aim to train in a practical and theoretical way people interested in starting or...

...Guide: Llúcia Fornals Valls Contact: 964 329 152 – Cataloguing and Documentation: Celina Torl' Benages Communication and Social Media: Monica Fornals Gil Didactics: M. Calduch Ferreres Contact: 964 335...

...congressos amb personalitats de renom universal; i va formar part de nombrosos jurats internacionals en companyia de crítics d'art il·lustres com Argan, Dorfles o Francastel. Al llarg de la seva...

Rates Single: 3 euros. Collective (+10): 2 euros. Reduced (UJI Community): EUR 1.5. Guided Tours: see section below. RECOMMENDATIONS FOR THE VISIT The visit will be made with respect and...

...pot catalogar merament com a apunt, ja que és un mitjà dotat d’autonomia que recull expressions artístiques concretes. De fet, resulta fonamental i especialment interessant com a base sobre la...

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...and this is corroborated by the numerous research papers specialized in art and published today that have been prepared with documents from this center. The CIDA was born with the...

...sentit, totes les exposicions del MACVAC, així com la mostra permanent, compliran amb un preséncia suficientment representative d'artistes dones. 4. Promoure la creació d'equips d'investigació paritaris que estudien i donen...

..., collection, management and idiosyncrasies, could be considered unique within the diversity of museum and other similar institutions. A space devoid of borders, although with special interest in giving voice...

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