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CIDA (International Center for Artistic Documentation)

As a specialized center in art, the objective of CIDA is to manage its documentary fund to make it available to users and facilitate consultation, thus becoming a fundamental tool for the research of international art between the 50s and 90s.

The set of documents collected and managed by the CIDA are essential to know the artistic landscape of the second half of the twentieth century and is corroborated by the numerous research papers specialized in art and published today that have been prepared with documents from the CIDA.

In th
e early 1990s, Vicente Aguilera Cerni proposed donating to the Museum of Vilafamés the set of documents that he has generated during his 50 years of activity as an art critic. The Vilafamés Town Hall builds an ex professed building to house this fund.

In 1995, coinciding with the 25th anniversary of the creation of the Museum of Contemporary Art in Vilafamés, the International Center for Artistic Documentation (CIDA) was inaugurated.

Among the documentary legacy, of great value, donated by Vicente Aguilera Cerni, it is worth highlighting: European, South American and national periodicals of the 50-60s; the critic's personal correspondence with artists of the time; and the original texts, with annotations, of the articles, essays and monographs of the distinguished critic and showing the social and artistic context of a very specific period.

This initial fund has been enriched, in these 19 years, with the documentation collected by MACVAC itself in its years of activity, with donations from other personal funds of artists linked to the museum, with donations from other institutions and through the exchange of duplicates with other documentation centers.

Documentary fund
The documentary fund, with more than 50,000 records, is organized into the following sections:

  1. Catalogues of individual exhibitions.
  2. Catalogues of collective exhibitions.
  3. Monographs on art history, aesthetics, art criticism, sculpture, painting, architecture, design, photography, restoration, heritage conservation, etc.
  4. Monographic studies on artists and artistic movements.
  5. Information about museums and didactic guides.
  6. Specialized Periodicals.
  7. Posters.
  8. Printed documents and manuscripts.
  9. Information about Congresses, Fairs and cultural events.
  10. Multimedia documents: CD-Rom, DVD, Video-art.

A collection of ephemeral documents such as invitations, small exhibition catalogues, etc. is also preserved.

ltation in room, telephone or via mail.
-Reproduction and scanning of documents whenever permitted by intellectual property law and for research purposes only.


Lunes - Viernes: 10:00 a 14:00


964 335 129 cida@cidavilafames.es


C/ Mestre Bernat, 14 12192 Vilafamés (Castellón)


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